Monday, April 24, 2017

English Essay 4

English Lesson 20
Write 500 words on this topic: "Discuss some of the reasons offered in the Psalms for long-term optimism." *(this essay was supposed to go up on Friday but I did have it finished by then just not uploaded)
*update* word count: 624 words

Long-term optimism is an ongoing theme in the psalms, patience, and trust in God go in hand with long-term optimism so elaborated it can relate to different ideas. David in the psalms was in trouble he asks God to listen to him. He trusted in God and now he needs his help. The evil-doers say that God won’t help David and he has forsaken him he needs to be optimistic or he will lose hope. It's a very important persisting issue for David the rut he is in so being confident is important and holding onto his belief. They taunt him and are defiant they think God has abandoned him. David is in fear and his courage to fight is gone. They think that since they have the upper hand they can’t be foiled the evil are oppressing the weak, in this case, David! God won’t walk away from his people. David’s heart was “melted like wax” so he was very defeated but trusted God.The Bible often uses symbolic language (I’ll use examples) to help illustrate and convey their points which show up often.  He wished very much that God would pick him up and he would no longer hurt. He made an appeal for guidance bringing up past mercies of God where he helped people in hard spots. God has pity for the weak and the good. David did bad stuff in the past sins but he says forget those because God is a good God. Even in dark moments, God pulls through and forgives. It’s important for David to keep his faith and be optimism because if he gives up he’ll be done for with everyone against him! No amount of evil can trump God even weak David who is just one person can win against many because God helped him. The doubters will end up nowhere and perish.   David humbles himself before God. God will help David since David follows the path of righteousness. In Psalm 26 specifically, David won’t be surrounded by evildoers and tries to be ethically upright. David is innocent, he says, and won’t be near evil. He has an allegiance to God not to the systematic wrongdoers. God will protect him from the “predators” as the David is the “prey”. Another example in Psalms 25 through 27 David references God saving him before as a “reminder” in the prayer. He waits for God to take action and believes it will soon happen. They believe God’s goodness will support them. It was a time of depression for David but he recites the evildoers are wrong systematically and he tries to do right ethically. David praises God because he saves him! David again (repetitively) asks for protection he is on the defense again because the enemies are after him he doesn’t want negative sanctions. He expects God to remain on the sidelines and thinks he’s just looking at a short term situation. David is in old age, and no longer has his strength he had before, so he relies on God to save him he says after he will praise God publicly. David wants positive sanctions and he wants God to intervene. God saves those who need help and stops evil. This shows how long-term optimism plays a role in the Bible and why it’s paramount in helping the weak. If David had lost hope he would have been defeated quite quickly. If he did not keep faith he would have nothing to look forward to, nothing to save him! Time and time again David shows resilience and God will always be there never wavering. Hope, faith, and trust are highlighted through this paper and integrated into the subject at hand. Most importantly God does not abandon his people.

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