Friday, April 7, 2017

English Essay 3

Write 500 words on this topic: "How important is the concept of historical sanctions in the Psalms?"
English Paper Lesson 15
CB. 3/14/17
Word count: 591

    Sanctions play a big role in the psalms and how people go about their lives, so as not to face sanctions, aside from those who turn a blind eye to God and ethics. God protects the righteous and those who try to follow the good path and believe in God. Good Christians don’t move from their ethics, if they do they ask for forgiveness. People who are in closed in their own fat as they say have a cushy lifestyle and have food on their plates they feel as if they are untouchable. So they act like they are like greedy lions out to destroy their prey. In Psalm 19 David says God’s judgment is more desirable than pure honey or gold. That is to say, if you are obedient and on the path of the straight and narrow. People who are evil receive negative sanctions! Nothing can make the evil power over good ever, though it may seem that way that is what the bible states. The good get eternal life, but evil people take their pride with them. It’s always an ethical battle between good and evil. Without sanctions the bad would run rampant, we need sanctions to keep them in check like laws, the cops put prisoners in jail for doing something wrong/against the law. So it plays into our laws as well, ethics and negative sanctions. That is the role of sanctions in the bible; To keep people in line, keep people safe, and to check those people for their wrong actions! God views what’s happening and judges it accordingly. God hates violence. The evildoers weave lies with their tongue and deceive people from the truth. God knows what they are doing, they deceive people, and they deceive their neighbors but they don’t deceive God. God will interfere in Psalms (11-15) someone sees their enemies surrounding them and ask God to deliver him reminding he’s done so in the past, God doesn’t forget things this is just the way he put it to show a serious situation. He gives a warning to his enemies they laugh and don’t take what he says as anything worthwhile. Another example is charity, It is not charitable if you use usury when you lend someone money and expect interest back later. You have to be actually charitable to give money! Evil temptation will leads to sanctions and that’s the pattern. A tree planted by water shall not be moved but a dead tree gets the branches cut (symbolic language). They use a lot of imagery in the psalms to portray the way God wants you to do something. And the way the Bible “feels” about that particular subject it’s usually just plainly follow good ethics. There is a difference between right and wrong and the evil know this, they just don’t choose the righteous path. Even the good slip up. But they try to use a moral compass and be good as often as they can. The moral code of ethics and belief is to be followed or the consequences will be followed through as such. They use the imagery “hot displeasure” and that’s how God “feels” or “acts” according to their actions. In conclusion, it’s not that hard to follow the good way of doing things as long as you hold it close to your moral compass. Sanctions play an important role throughout the psalms that you see time and time again to emphasis the real importance of the separation between good and bad, and reward and repercussions throughout history.

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