Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Week 1 Essay History

Week 1 writing assignment: Write a brief overview of important events in Hebrew history from Abraham to Moses.

Week 1 Assignment – History
(edited 2017)

This is the entire summary of important event’s from Abraham to Moses. In Mesopotamian, the city of Ur, Abraham was called by God to leave home. He was to travel west to Canaan. It was his divine promise by God. Abraham became convinced that God wanted the sacrifice of his son (Isaac). Since, back then, you sacrifice the thing most precious to you. He spares his son at the last minute because an angel steps in. So instead of offering Isaac, he offers a lamb. Abraham sets about choosing a wife for Isaac. He goes back to his native land and finds Rebekah. Isaac and Rebekah have an arranged marriage. Abraham, not long after the marriage, dies.

Isaac has two sons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob resented not being the older son that gets the benefits of birthright. Esau was out working on a hot day and he was very thirsty. And so, Jacob decided to trick Esau to sell his birthrights as the oldest son for water. Jacob took this seriously (as a binding agreement) but Esau did not.

Isaac on his deathbed prepares to give his blessing to the oldest son. Rebekah, who favors Jacob, persuades Jacob to deceive his (now half-blind) father. Esau found out this scheme, but too late. Jacob now has the birthright. Esau declares his plan to kill Jacob. Rebekah sends Jacob away. Jacob begins to work for his uncle. He works to take one of the daughters as his wife. He marries both daughters "accidentally" because he must marry the oldest before the youngest gets married, so he ends up with two wives.

  Jacob leaves for his land again. He chooses to follow his better nature, he and his brother make peace and go their separate ways. From then on he is called Israel. Rachel, his favorite wife, dies.

 Jacob has 12 sons. He particularly favored and spoiled one of the youngest sons, Joseph. Joseph even had a "coat of many colors". And unscarred hands because he was spared hard labour. The jealous brothers see this favoritism and sold him to slavery. While in slavery (through a course of "lucky" events) Joseph manages to take a high position. He was a dream interpreter, a prophet.

The pharaoh was having odd dreams, so Joseph caught his attention. Joseph interpreted the pharaoh's dream as a vision of the future.

 There would be a famine coming. 

The grain, supplies, and food were taken care of in preparation of this said famine. The Hebrews, struck by the famine, fled to Egypt. Joseph revealed himself to his brothers (who had also fled with all the other Hebrews). They were suprised at his success, and that he was still alive. Jacob forgave his brothers. They lived happily until Joseph, and the pharaoh that favored him, died. 

Then the Egyptians got nervous. They didn’t like foreigners, so they enslaved all the Hebrews. The new pharaoh wanted all Hebrew boys killed. However, the pharaohs daughter found a Hebrew baby boy by the river and adopted him. That baby was called Moses.

So Moses grew up in the palace, living like an egyptian. When he grew up he saw what was happening to his people. Moses was out one day, and he saw an Egyptian overseer beating a Hebrew slave. Moses then killed the overseer. He fled, now a fugitive to Egypt; from then on he was a real Hebrew and wouldn’t live like an Egyptian. 

Moses thought it was his mission to save his people from slavery. He saw a burning bush and took it as a sign from God. It was time to fulfill this mission. 

Moses went to Egypt. He asked the pharaoh to end the burden on the Hebrews. The pharaoh said no but a plague swept Egypt and the pharaoh saw this as punishment for not listening to Moses. He let the Hebrew slaves go. The Red Sea parted and they crossed. 

At Mount Sinai Moses got the 10 commandments from God, when he came down the people were worshipping a golden calf, which made him angry. He slammed the stone tablets down, these tablets were fixed and kept in the Ark of the Covenant. Moses was going to fufill his mission and lead them to the promise land. The Hebrews were grumbling as they walked the many miles in heat. They complained they were "parched". (not very grateful after being freed from slavery and now led to the promise land) and so God told Moses to hit a particular rock once with his stick and water would flow out. So Moses did as told but he hit the rock twice, this was an act of defiance against God. (even after all God had done for him.)

So he was not allowed in the promise land. Moses hands his leadership away to Joshua. The first period of Hebrew history comes to an end with the death of Moses.

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