Wednesday, March 22, 2017

English Essay 1

Write 500 words on this topic: "Discuss the element of hierarchy in Genesis 1-3." Consider such things as Adam's relation to God, Eve's relation to Adam and God, and the serpent's relation to Adam, Eve, and God.

After god’s creation was done God said “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over livestock and all the wild animals and over and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God was going to create man in his image, male and female. They were going to take care of the animals and the creatures that crawl along the dirt and tend to the herbs, flowers, seeds, and so on. God told them to increase in number and he told them to rule over all animals the hierarchy was established partially at this point even before Adam and Eve were there because God was going to create them and he would rule over them and they would rule over the animals, sea creatures and overall the earth. And most everything on the earth, every green plant with life was their food. God saw this was all good and on the seventh day he rested. This marked the end of his creation and was blessed as the Sabbath day. That made a full week. He created Adam from dust and breathed life into him. This was unique to people because no other animal was created from earth, then he gave Adam a task. Adam’s task was to name all the animals in pairs. After his first task was done, God put Adam to sleep and took a rib from Adam and made woman. She was not yet named, and she was a extension of man. God blessed them and they were created in God’s image. In the middle of the garden was the tree of good and evil, or it could be called the tree of knowledge. // God was lawmaker and ruler over man as man was of the animals and there was an ethical bond between Eve, Adam, and God. God said they couldn’t eat from this tree, every other tree they could eat from, except this one. They couldn’t eat from the tree of good and evil because that would break the ethical bond.  God trusted them. There was no physical barrier but a law to be followed. The tree of life was open to them. // The sanction from eating from the evil tree was death. And so the two lived happily in the Garden of Eden. That was until one day, A serpent slithered to Eve, he was a clever animal, but he was not good. The serpent inquired why she didn’t eat from the particular tree of good and evil. This was to make Eve doubt God's goodness. Eve said to the serpant that God told them if they touch or eat fruit from the tree they will die.  The serpant lied "you will not surely die"This made Eve doubt God's word. The serpent said God lied to you he doesn’t want you do be like him, this tree is a shortcut. This, the nail on the coffin, lead Eve to doubt God's motives.  Eve thought about all this and decided the serpent was right. So she ate the fruit. /// This was a betrayal of God in the hierarchy they did not obey his one law. Adam saw that Eve didn’t die immediately and ate the fruit too. He was more in the wrong than Eve, he was supposed to protect her and he wasn't decieved by the serpent like Eve was, he just decided maybe to put Eve before God. God came and questioned them about eating from the tree. The woman (Eve) blamed the serpent and the man blamed the woman. So they didn’t take responsibility for their actions and blamed a flaw in the creation. They tried to hide from their sin. But there was no flaw that was the beginning of sin and death.The Fall. So go cursed the three of them and God sadly had to banished them from the garden of Eden but still gave them grace. Because there was still path to eternal life and they would not die immediately (see it wasn't a lie). "from dust you came, and to dust you will return." (Genesis 3:19) although there was punishment for what they had don because now they couldn’t simply eat from the tree of life and have eternal life. The serpent was going to bite man. And man, as in mankind, was going to kill the serpent and that was the snake's curse that he would stay in the dirt and eat dust. God’s relationship to man was anger but forgiveness and grace to them. They did not immediately die. Adam and Eve believed the serpent over God so they had done wrong and betrayed God in the hierarchy. God punished the serpent, man, and woman, for what they had done. The earth would now fight to give up it's crops the creation that was in their being would now cause pain and toil to bring it's food up. And that was the beginning of earth and Gods relation to the people and the snake and them to him. Genesis 1-3

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