Monday, May 15, 2017

English Essay 6

English 2: Lesson 25
English 2: Western Literature 1
CB :)
wordcount: 575

Write 500 on this topic: "Discuss the relationship between ethics and sanctions in Proverbs 1-7."
This is an overview of Proverbs 1-7 pertaining to the subject of the relationship between ethics and sanctions of God. (P1 introduction) Dark sayings are not common in the Proverbs but ethical riddles are. Ethical issues are real ethical problems, but the simple man won't understand that! The wisdom of God and the "wisdom" of evil-doers aren't the same there is a contrast. There is no honor among thieves someone will fall in their trap because they are destroyers. That is a negative sanction, but one day they'll trap themselves because they run to evil. Bad ethics leads to negative sanctions, such as breaking the law leads to jail.  Solomon is speaking to his son to give him wisdom and guidance so he'll keep the principals in his heart that are ultimately ethical. This is described in the Proverbs as a woman selling wisdom. Fools hate knowledge. Wisdom is ignored by the people they don't want to hear it and are ethically stupid. Don't involve yourself with evil-doers it leads to self-destruction. Wisdom is portrayed as a wise woman. He advises his son, don't be a simpleton ethically. (P2 and P3) First, he says we must dedicate our lives to pursuing good judgment which is based off and connected to, reliable ethics.  Pray for knowledge and guidance. Positive sanctions for the righteous and negative sanctions for the unrighteous it's a simple system. Commit yourself to them trust God and positive sanctions and he'll direct your path in the right way. If you're willing to give your gifts to God (such as the Christmas story: the little drummer boy for example) and positive sanctions will come back to you. Ethics are more important than anything you "pile up" (like money). Wisdom has more value than precious jewels. You can get wisdom from ethics we are not forever separate from it, we can get to the tree of life through ethics! (As expected.) The evil is also personified as female. You won't be caught in a trap, like the evildoers in their own trap, which is a neg. sanction. Some benefits are a long life and peace which are great blessings! Judgment to the righteous is a correction, not something "mean" or hateful. Don't get smart and try to get wisdom all by yourself it won't happen. (P4 and P5) Hold her principals close. She is a good woman with good benefits (pos. sanctions). "For they sleep not, except they have done mischief, and their sleep is taken away," poetic language. They are trying to get others to fall, like them, and be ethically corrupt/malicious. Avoid evil behavior avoid the evil lifestyle it looks enticing but it is a double-edged sword. Pick it up it'll cut you and you'll bleed! (bleeding is symbolism for neg. sanctions) Stick to decent principals. (P6 and P7) Solomon instructed him ethics, pass them down and avoid the path of the wicked. Adultery is physical and ethical and it leads to neg. sanctions. A self-confident pushy person out of control with ethics, says one thing and does a different thing. A bad person! Solomon says sanctions follow misbehavior if you break the law and so on. The problem is internal like an internal fire it burns burns burns for those who commit adultery. In conclusion, that is how ethics and sanctions go hand in hand and play off each other in the Proverbs, they are also central themes in the Bible. 
(Man, law, causation and time. Ethics and sanctions. Evildoers and righteousness. All that is drilled into my head. This is a good English course considering I remember so much. Very helpful!)

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